
The USS Batfish ARC is more than amateur radio.  We also support projects at the War Memorial Park.

Current and ongoing projects

Museum Projects

May 6th after the club meeting some club members cleaned and organized the newer storage shed.  We removed most of the river mud that was deposited during the flooding. Wade WA5DE brought his pressure washer to clean the floor, walls, and many items covered with mud. The work crew consisted of Earl Stutzman WB5UUW, Wade Harris WA5DA , Gary Burch W5ODS, Jim Erb KG5EWK (when he could get away from the front desk), and John Martin W5EJK. It was a long & hot afternoon, but we made a significant difference to the appearance of the building inside.

Radio Projects

Check out the photos of the antenna rebuild!!  Way to go team!

The Club’s tower is being stored. It is just awaiting the day when we can hopefully erect it at the new Museum location.