Past Events

Here are some of our past events!  Come join us for future events!

Tower Trailer Work

Recently some of our hard working club members overhauled our tower trailer!!  Great job team!  We are ready for the upcoming events!!

2023 Museum Ships weekend

We had a blast activating WW2SUB and WW2OK for the Museum ships weekend.  Some of the team came in on Friday June 2nd.  They got things rolling and made plenty of contacts!.  

We started Saturday with setting up and helping with the Annual Tolling Of The Boats event.  After that it was lunch and all hands on deck to make contacts. Saturday afternoon, storms rolled in, tower antennas came down, radios unplugged.  After the storms the antennas went back up and we were in business again!

Saturday evening we enjoyed continuous pile ups!  We had contacts from all over the USA, Greece, New Zealand and Australia 

Winter Field Day 2023

For Winter Field Day the club operated with the WW2OK call sign.  We had a great group of OMs and YLs.  We ran 3I with one station as CW and 2 Phone on generator power.

We had 3 visitors (2 are now club members) get on HF for the first time.  1 Unlicensed visitor made some contacts as well (time for him to get his license).

Everyone had a great time on the air, learning and breaking bread together.

2020 YL Meet Up at the War Memorial Park
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!!

15 YLs from Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas participated in the event Oct 9th, 2020 until Oct 11, 2020. Participating YLs were KD0WAU Barb, W3LEO Leah, NV5F Virginia, KF5JUO Lynda, KC5RWW Beth, N5KUO Judi, KI5BDF Aria, KI5KFQ Noelle, KI5CHP Sandi, KI5CHL Kathleen, KF5VBU Tanya, K5FTS Faith, KI5AQS Lesley, Victoria (no call sign) and W5MQC Michelle.  We had a few OMs and members of the USS Batfish Radio Club in attendance.  Ages ranged from 8 years old to …. not telling. 

We set up 3 Radio stations, one in a tent near the USS Batfish, One in the breakroom of the Museum, and one in the parking lot of the museum.  The tent station used an IC7200 and a hex beam antenna about 60ft.  The Museum station used an IC7600 and a scout antenna about 40 ft.  The parking lot station used a FT-857 radio and a dipole antenna about 20ft connected to a Yeti 400 battery.

We started on Friday evening getting the tent, radios and antenna set up for the station near the USS Batfish, and the dipole antennas set up for the station in the parking lot.  Then went out to dinner. Saturday morning, we participated the USS Batfish Radio Clubs meeting, going over safety procedures for the event.  Afterwards we set up the 3rd station in the museum and the scout antenna.  We were off!!!!

Being YLs we all brought food and enjoyed breaking bread together and catching up with each other.  Afterwards we got back on the air! We closed Saturday evening relaxing by the fire.  We worked a few hours Sunday morning, then it was time to tear down and pack up.

All YLs learned to set up antennas, radios, tents, spot, log and call CQ.  We made 240 contacts.  Our contacts were all over the USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany, Lithuania and Slovenia.

Everyone had a great time!!!

District 5 and 10 YL Meet up

Oct 12th -14th, some of the YLs of Districts 5 and 0 were guests of the USS Batfish Radio Club and participated in honoring the memory of 75th anniversary of the lost 52 Submarines event.

The members of the USS Batfish and USS Oklahoma Amateur Radio Club are venturing to remember and commemorate the loss of each of the United States Navy Submarines that were lost during the Second World War on the 75th Anniversary of their loss, as best as history was able to record them. The two subs we honored were the USS Wahoo (80 men died) and the USS Dorado (77 men died).

We called CQ on board the USS Batfish in Muskogee, Oklahoma. Some of the YLs slept overnight in the crew quarters. We even got to experience the power going out in the evening. Overall, we made over 350 contacts.

Everyone was able to get some radio time (It was the first time on the air for some of the YLs). We set up an antenna, set up the radios, and mentored each other, and explored the nooks and crannies of the submarine. To top the weekend off, Virginia, NV5F, gave a personal performance, playing her bag pipes.

A special thank you to our USS Batfish Club host Wade Harris, KF5IF, and the Muskogee War Memorial Museum for having us. YLs in attendance Leah Oshe, W3LEO, Patricia Liesenfeld, W5UBI, Barbara Schlueter, KD0WAU, Eva Knapple, N5EVA, Vonnie Merritt, KE5RKC, Beth Pearce, KC5RWW, Donna Wohler, N5DEE, Lynda Tuma, KF5JUO, Virginia Smith, NV5F, Mary Calkins, AE6Q, Judi Voeller, N5KUO, Annie Zhi, KG5VGA, and Christina Liu, KG5VGB.