USS Batfish Amateur Radio Club Officers


Mike Manring, AE5QL

First licensed in 2008, earned my general and then my Extra in 2010.  Wanted to be a ham forever, life just always got in the way. 

Have been active with the USS Batfish and the USS Oklahoma for approximately 13 years.  Looking forward to getting the girl back open to the public.


Vice President

Earl Stutzman, WB5UUW


Hello. I first got my license in 1976 as a novice,  In 2009 I upgraded to Extra. I am mostly involved with 2 meters and the local club, Broken Arrow Amateur Radio Club and the Batfish Amateur Club. One of my other hobbies is electronics and it has been my vocation. I built my first 2 meter radio, a Keathkit HW-2036. I enjoy repairing radios also. My latest project has been getting my Wideband Hex beam into the air. I followed the plans on website. We used it at 2011 Field Day with great success. Now there are several guys in the club that have built one also. My HF equipment is a FT-450 and an FT897 mobile in my Tundra. My other hobbies include hunting, fishing, camping, welding and metal work, woodworking and when I get a chance I like to ride my 1400 Intruder.

John Martin, W5EJK

Information coming soon. 


Gary Burch, W5ODS

I got interested in ham radio by age 10 after reading the Hardy Boys books and then becoming an SWL. I received my Novice license, KN8ZMC, in the spring of 1961 while in the 8th grade using a Heathkit DX-40 and a Knight Kit R-100 receiver, then upgraded to the National NC300 receiver. I received the Technician license that summer and the General class license in the fall of 1961. My inspiration and mentors were W8IHG, K8EYU, W8KJS (SK), among others in my home town of Peninsula, Ohio. I was active on 6 meter AM and on CW on HF throughout high school.

After starting at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, I found time to operate occasionally at the UW Ham club station. I was enrolled in Navy ROTC and during the summer midshipman “cruises”, I would try to find the base Mars station when time permitted. Upon college graduation, I went to Army flight school in Mineral Wells, Texas. While station there, I got the ham bug again and went to the FCC office in Dallas on the appointed day and passed the Advanced class exam, still as K8ZMC. My xyl, Darlene, was persuaded to get her novice license while I was at my next duty station in Alabama. That was when the Novice was only good for 2 years and was not renewable.

My next duty station, Santa Ana MCAS, in Santa Ana, CA was where Darlene met another XYL ham on 40 CW who lived only a few miles away. We enjoyed those new ham family friends for several years. When overseas duty called, I was able to operate from Okinawa with a KA6 call, a Yaesu FT101 and a 20 meter dipole on the roof. I even tried a little aeronautical mobile over the South China Sea from my USMC CH-46 Helicopter on 20 meters ssb. Back stateside a year later, we landed in NC for a few years at Marine Corps Air Station New River where I operated on HF and 2 meter FM for the first time. Wow, 2 meter FM sure was an improvement over my old 6 meter AM days of the early 60’s!

Upon leaving the military, we ended up in the Aurora, IL area, soon followed by a new call, W9ODS. My XYL wasn’t motivated to re-obtain her ham license again until we had 4 children. Talk about waiting until her “plate” was full! She not only got her Technician license this time, she continued studying and practicing CW and received her General class license as N9BVK. Boy, was this ham proud of his XYL now! Then as the children grew up, we were able to see all our children ( five then) obtain their Technician classes licenses. Then we had seven hams under one roof. That meant more 2 meter radios and HT’s. (That was just before the cell phone boom.) I upgraded to Extra class about this time also. With a move to Oklahoma in 1997, I have continued to operate on HF CW primarily and occasionally on 2 meters. Current rigs include an Electraft KX3 and an Icom IC7300. On two meters, I use FT-1900’s at home and mobile for 2M..

I operate mostly HF CW “off grid” with the home radios powered by a 135AH marine grade lead acid battery and 65 watt solar panel for power. I changed calls to W5ODS in 2007 after moving to Oklahoma.

I enjoy chasing and activating summits with SOTA (Summits on the Air) with my KX3 and various portable antennas. I am currently the SOTA W5O Association Manager.

I also enjoy working with the USS Batfish and USS Oklahoma Amateur Radio Club using the Club calls WW2SUB and WW2OK. We help maintain the Muskogee War Memorial Museum and get to “play radio” on the Sub as often as possible. I usually operate CW. Sometimes we “dress the part” by doning period uniforms when there are visitors in the boat.

Station Trustee

Wade Harris, WA5DE

Information Coming Soon